Featured Guest Episodes Episodes

My Bad Poetry has had the joy of inviting amazing guests onto the show. We are grateful for their time, wisdom, humor, vulnerability, and above all their own “bad” poetry!
Feb. 13, 2023

Meditation at Callicoon & On the Occasion of Our Tenth Anniversary (w…

For their last guest episode of the season, Dave and Aaron get a master class on the evolution of poems from the amazing Julia Guez. Julia brings two examples of "bad" poems that have evolved over time through edits and revi...

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Feb. 6, 2023

My Light at Last & Behold the Glory (w/ Jared Beloff)

Dave and Aaron had to do their best not to waste time because they had a precious 40 minutes to speak with the great Jared Beloff during his lunch break. While they would have been thrilled to spend the whole time talking ab...

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Jan. 30, 2023

The Green Machine & The Disease (w/ Michael VanCalbergh)

From a concrete poem that might have benefited from it's own Hulk Smash to a emo-laced exploration of that thing called "Love," Michael VanCalbergh's high school poems live up to this show's title. Dave and Aaron find anoth...

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Dec. 19, 2022

musing & (at) fireworks on the 7th (w/ Matthew E. Henry)

Dr. MEH and us tell each other fairy tales... or really just share some bad poetry. Aaron and Dave are delighted to have Mathew E Henry on the show to share some of his first ever poems which were heavily influenced by the g...

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Nov. 28, 2022

The Mask & Patron Saints (w/ Frances Klein)

Dave and Aaron break up the silence (and by that we mean the recording of two poems on Silence from Aaron's journals) with another amazing guest episode. Frances Klein not only brings her quick wit and sense of humor to the ...

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Nov. 7, 2022

Enraptured, Breaking With Reality, & I Want to Believe (w/ Lauren The…

When scheduling conflicts and unseen events prevented a Halloween weekend recording with Lauren Theresa it seems like some of the magic may have been lost to time. Thank goodness for Daylight Savings which gave everyone anot...

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Oct. 10, 2022

Bad Poetry & Airplanes Won't Leave Washington (w/Clifford Brooks)

Aaron and Dave find themselves chatting with the founder of the Southern Collective and editor-in-chief of Blue Mountain Review, Charles Clifford Brooks III. Yet the bad poems he brings to the table prove even editor-in-chie...

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Sept. 12, 2022

"Am I Polyamorous?" and "I can't find my specs" (w/ Fizza Abbas)

Dave and Aaron return to the microphones after a week off to start season three with a new friend. Fizza Abbas joins the season premiere to bring her "bad" poems for all to hear. From her first poems snarky interludes to a ...

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Aug. 22, 2022

1-11-92: Leshko's Coffee Shop & Home Cooking, NYC (w/Siân Killingswor…

Yes that is the full title of this bad poem brought to us by not one but two authors! Siân and Polina come on the show share a bit about their friendship and what may have been the magic combination of time and place to prod...

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July 25, 2022

Santa Came & Time Is the Devourer of All Things (w/Terri Linn Davis)

We didn't intend to have a Christmas in July episode, but Santa showed up anyway... Terri Linn Davis brings her playfully horrific style to the show... just shall we say...lacking in the playful department with these early dr...

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July 11, 2022

The List & Adam's Apple (w/Lannie Stabile)

Lannie Stabile joins Dave and Aaron to share a whole list of things, from her love of Ludo to her knowledge of plus-size chapbooks and TMNTs. Hear Dave fear for his co-host gig and Aaron attempt to keep everyone somewhat on ...

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July 4, 2022

Double Trouble, and Twice as Nice (w/ Jasper Fforde)

Dave and Aaron find themselves talking to one of their shared favorite authors and yes... we are as surprised as everyone else. Jasper Fforde brings his wit and wisdom to the show while sharing some of his poems that are far...

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June 20, 2022

Gas Station Roses & Harvest (w/Mitchell Nobis)

With Dave unable to make the recording do to work, Mitch and Aaron soldier on through some... really bad poems. Whether or not they were trying to emulate gasoline infused roses or a manure covered country side one could say...

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June 13, 2022

Bitter Bitter & Complicated (w/Nicole Tallman)

Nicole Tallman brings pages of her high school journal to the show demonstrating a "Emily Dickenson" phase in her writing career. With hurricane briefings and further meetings limiting their time together one can only hope th...

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May 30, 2022

A setting sun & Grey Palette (w/Shiksha Dheda)

Shiksha stumps Dave and Aaron with what may be the first "bad" poem that neither could say anything bad about...luckily she had more to share! From her style to some of her struggles and everything in between, Shiksha carries...

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