
Aaron and Dave met in the fall of 2012 as forced-upon room mates during their first year at seminary. They soon found that they had much in common and have remained close ever since. Dave is a native of Minnesota, while Aaron is originally from Ohio. Both are in their early thirties, with spouses, children, dogs, and both are currently Lutheran pastors in the ELCA .

Yet only one had a history of writing really bad poetry in high school….

    From Episode 5.25 of My Bad Poetry

Do you see what I did there?
A fitting pun perhaps for the words that I have shared.
The Howls of a young heart not for Solomon
No wisdom in the pages only the long dried ink of a ball point pen.

Awakened in a pandemic haze
Dragged out for the modern gaze.

Has it been two years?
-It seems like five.
Each week as we 
      choose to dive
deep into this time capsule of cringe.
A flimsy start on which this podcast did hinge.

More rhymes in these few lines 
than the entire collection.
              A cluster of free thought expression
                                well past my recollection.

To drag a dear friend into this mess.
Deserves a proper redress,
And yet these words cannot truly confess…
              The guilt of what I have done.
              It was just a bit of fun
              …That phrase has a ring to it.
But I digress.

I feel there is more I need to address
I write these words where it all began
In a Wolf Journal with cover photo by Rita Groszmann.
Now with a blue Vitamin Ballpen
A gift from the Medusa mother herself Raegen.

It’s hard to imagine
All the people…
Sharing all their words
On this silly little show
With two friends, one from Ohio.
And yet here we are.
I apologies for what we have put you through so far.

Is this the end?
By no means my friend
But with love from us to you
Dear listener,
Our time with the Wolf Journal 



While truthfully this project grew out of pent up energy during the pandemic, it has become a consistent way to check in between two close friends. Though we hope to be entertaining and to make you laugh, we also hope to have meaningful discussions on healthy forms of expression, toxic masculinity, the loneliness of mental health issues, and how everyone needs grace.

Plus Dave gets to dunk of Aaron’s truly awful use of the English language.

Thanks for joining us on this weird and wonderful ride!


Want to say hello, guest on the show, or share something with the podcast? We can be reached at: